An Expert on Call - What a great idea!
Personal on-call Service:
It's 1.5 hours of access to our expert per month that can be accessed at the time you need it, not days or a week later when your "scheduled to meet". No pre-scheduled appointment here!
Now, you have your Coach a phone call away, ready to help you:
- prepare yourself so you feel confident when you've just learned you have to make an important decision in a few hours at that crucial meeting...
- get your head together when something upsetting has happened and you want to talk it out before you act...
- with that support and final encouragement you really need before that crucial interview...
Now that's cool.
It's an extremely affordable (less than a cup o' joe at Starbuck's per day...) annual contract paid monthly. And, this includes a “roll-over” feature: unused minute amounts greater than 15 will be added to the following month, for up to three months! What's not to like?
Expert on-Call for Businesses:
The same idea, 1.5 hours of access to our expert per month that can be accessed at the time you need it, not days or a week later when your "scheduled to meet" - but includes:
- work with teams/groups,
- programs,
- presentations...
- anything your company needs or can benefit from monthly, as you access an expert as a regular part of your operation.
Don't go through your important life one more day without your Coach right there with you - keeping you grounded, clear, confident, prepared.
It's a great feeling. And you deserve it.